THE SOUL FIRE SOCIAL BLOG How Are You? Allow me to ask you a quick question… How are you? Quick now, without overthinking – what was your first response? Think carefully about the first thing that came into your mind (not what you decided to make the...
Sign Up for My Newsletter! Watch the following video to find out why you’ll benefit from staying connected. Join the Tribe Now and Receive a Free Sound Healing! Success! First Name Last Name Email Subscribe now! Soul Fire Social is a platform for sharing my...
THE SOUL FIRE SOCIAL BLOG The Fear. Overcoming challenges in the times of COVID. THE FEAR. Whew, I wore myself out there for a minute! Thus far the Covid experience has been such a roller coaster ride, filled with ups & downs & all-arounds. I have had days...
THE SOUL FIRE SOCIAL BLOG Candace Performing at TEDx Hilton Head! I am very excited to have been selected to participate in the TEDx Hilton Head, “Making Waves!” Subscribe TEDx Hilton Head Performance: Making Waves I am thrilled to be performing at the...
THE SOUL FIRE SOCIAL BLOG Candace Featured in Local Life Magazine! It was so great to be featured in a recent edition of the Low Country’s Local Life Magazine in the article “Faces of Healthy Living”! Subscribe Local Life Magazine! I am excited to...
THE SOUL FIRE SOCIAL BLOG The Memory Matters Brain Summit I’m so excited to have been selected as a contributor to the Memory Matters Brain Summit, 2020! Subscribe Memory Matters Brain Summit! ‘Volunteering at Memory Matters has been one of my most rewarding...