…all that you are meant to be
The Alchemy of Becoming is a book written by Diane Fulford and Karen Diguer. The purpose of their book is to provide a blueprint for others to raise their level of consciousness through a process that is based on alchemy, the ancient science of transforming something from the ordinary to the extraordinary. The step-by-step process, while adhering to the precise sequencing of alchemy, allows for a deeply personalized experience. No two people will experience the path to higher consciousness in the same way. What is unique about this methodology is that it brings together the works of many brilliant minds of our time – spiritualists, quantum physicists, biologists, cosmologists, and mathematicians – into a cohesive and ordered structure. You unleash the power and wisdom held within to be true and sovereign, and in so doing create a life of meaning, vitality, and profound inner peace. It is a lifelong journey of ever deepening exploration and understanding; to becoming the person you were always meant to be.
Over the years, I have witnessed, first-hand, the power of this methodology to positively transform lives through my own personal expansion and that of our Alchemy of Becoming (AOB) students. I have seen how a commitment to doing “the work” aids individuals in upgrading their mind, body & spirit connection and how raising levels of consciousness through the alchemical process deeply impacts personal awareness. This, in turn, enhances our connection to our highest consciousness, our guides & the divine. Alchemy is a potent tool for improving our overall mental & physical health, for releasing blocks to uncover our truest nature, to rediscovering self-love and self-worth, and tapping into the strength to live our best lives—shining bright in our own “individuated divinity”. And while the journey is a deeply personal one, we have discovered the immense joy & inspiration that is found by being a part of a supportive community dedicated to rising out of fear, into truth and the frequency of love & above.
Thus, with Diane and Karen’s support & guidance, I have created a comprehensive AOB coaching program which works to inform & support individuals through the alchemical process of Level 1&2.
So, are you ready to begin your journey of becoming?
I would love to be your guide!
Level 1 Coaching
The introduction phase is in-depth & highly personalized in the first 1-2 months but the program is created to evolve with you, addressing your specific wants & needs through the journey. I am your guide, and I am here to empower YOU.
Level 2 Coaching
We treat training like a graduate program, with a 1-1 or group course lesson for each of the Alchemical stages as the concepts become key to our ascension in consciousness.
AOB Community
All of my coaching options include FREE access to a lively community of like-minded people, supporting one another as we work to raise our consciousness and shift the frequency on this planet we hold so dear. We have bi-monthly in-person & virtual meetings. Should you choose to work through Alchemy on your own, you can still join the group calls for a minimal fee!
"Kundalini yoga has and continues to be a perfect compliment to my journey of becoming. Candace is by far the most inspirational and knowledgeable teacher I have come across and I rely on her classes to cultivate inner peace and stay grounded. When not visiting Hilton Head Island for in person classes I access them via Zoom and the library of classes on her website means they are always available. An added benefit is that I have met so many amazing people through her and we all feel a part of a wonderful, supportive community!"
-Karen Diguer, Author
Level 1: Introduction & Uploading for New Clients
Available: In-person & Online via Zoom
Personal Investment: $300
-1hr Introduction: Understanding the Concepts & Introducing the “Sway”
-1 ½ hr Uploading of Metrics & Beginning Separation
-30 days of unlimited support, 1-1 AOB chat
-Lifetime Access to Group Events & Community Chat
Your journey begins with an introduction to the “Alchemy of Becoming” methodology & the concepts behind the Alchemical process. We will work together to establish & fine tune your “sway”, your personal connection to your highest consciousness & guides. When you feel confident & ready to begin with the process of “Separation”, I offer a full baseline reading including: level of consciousness, consciousness maturity, overall physical & mental health, biologic age and auric field strength which we will periodically monitor over the course of your work through AOB. We will work together on your first set of “low frequency” releases until you feel comfortable to move forward on your own. For the first month, you will have full access to me through a personal 1-1 chat to help with questions or challenges you may face. After the first month, you choose how you would like to proceed.
Level 1 Continuous Coaching Options (Live & Virtual)
30m: $50 1-1 Coaching
1h: $100 1-1 Coaching
1h: $150 1-1 Coaching & Full Metrics Update
1 Month Full Coverage: $200
Level 2: The Graduate Program (Live & Virtual)
We like to think of Level 2 coaching as a graduate course. These 2-3 hour meetings include deep dives into the alchemical process level 2 concepts, core teachings for full understanding, in-depth discussion topics and Q&A. Participants are also invited to work together, to form break out groups or simply share and engage on our group chat to support & inspire. You will also be given the opportunity to support the Level 1 community on a group call or as a mentor. You can also choose to do these sessions as a 1-1 for a more personalized experience.
Level 2 Group Sessions & Individual Coaching per AOB Section
$50 per group teaching session (2-3hrs)
$150 for 1-1 Teaching Session (2hrs)
Level 2: Private Coaching Options
30m: $50 1-1 Coaching
1h: $100 1-1 Coaching
1h: $150 1-1 Coaching & Full Metrics Update
“Candace is the perfect coach for Alchemy of Becoming. Her wisdom and loving, nonjudgmental heart gently guides you through the process when you “can’t see the forest from the trees”. It is of great value to have a cheerleader along the way who understands and has been through the process herself. With Candace’s support I was able to stay on track, and reach my goals with clarity and a greater depth of understanding.”
“Candace’s coaching style meets you with complete enthusiasm, acceptance, and empowerment. Her energy is contagious, and her level of positivity and support were extremely helpful through the more challenging and self reflective sections of AOB. There were times when I wanted to just “get the answer” from Candace in a coaching session, but Candace was skilled at providing tools and suggestions so I could find the answer within myself which is the core teaching of AOB. Through Candace, I found a community where authenticity was accepted, encouraged and supported.”
“I am simply grateful to have crossed paths with Candace and her beautiful light. She’s someone I feel comfortable being vulnerable with and one who I feel supported by that never makes me feel judged or broken. None of us are broken, but it can occasionally feel that way when we live mostly in our head instead of our hearts. Candace has helped me tap into my heart and she’s most certainly a soul sister, that I am honored to be traveling this road alongside.”
– Anuschka
“Candace Blair is a spiritual teacher/practitioner with certifications in many life changing modalities. I attended one of Candace’s classes “Alchemy of Becoming”, at the time I was questioning whether life is all I thought it would be; whether I felt fulfilled at this time in my life; and what is the meaning and purpose of my life. Candace’s events are powerful and through her guidance and teachings in this class, I began to make positive choices around my health & wellness; raise my level of consciousness; raising my vibrations and energy helping improve my life and those around us. With each class/event that I attended; I can feel myself living a mindful life.”
You can acquire the book by clicking below, or feel free to visit the Alchemy of Becoming website here.

I have spent the past four years training with Karen and Diane, and working through the Alchemy of Becoming Level 1 & Level 2. I can honestly say, this methodology HAS TRANSFORMED MY LIFE in so many positive ways.
In Level 1, I saw a dramatic improvement in my overall mental & physical wellbeing with the release of low frequency emotions, I found a new sense of balance in my life and a clear shift in my consciousness out of fear and towards the frequency of love. I learned to connect easily with my higher consciousness & my guides and began making decisions for not only my highest good, but that of the collective. When I finished Level 1, I took a period of integration and began leading my first group through the process. It was so magical to build a strong community around these teachings, with like-minded people all committed to bringing more light to the world.
In Level 2, I was able to witness my own transformation into an operative of love as my consciousness rose above the 500 levels. I learned why it is so important to embody our higher frequencies as I worked to bring my consciousness maturity, my living vibration, in alignment with the access I was being given. The journey was enlightening, challenging and deeply profound as I worked to bring every facet of my life out of fear and into love. With every step, I felt supported by the authors, my guides and my community and I continue to learn what it means to live my highest truth from a space of love and above. This journey is an evolution, one that I see continuing for all of my earthly life and with every step and I see the joy in doing the deep work because living your soul’s blueprint, understanding and honoring your individuated divinity and sharing your light with your tribe. There is nothing better.
So, please join me on this journey of becoming. I will be walking right along side you, growing and evolving as we all take our seat at the table, discover our “super powers’ and continue to walk the path, together.
Available for 1-1s, Group Sessions, Workshops and Retreats. Email Me to learn more.