Pure Ceremonial Cacao is a magical and highly vibrational plant medicine. In sacred ceremony and as an accompaniment to sound healings, cacao facilitates deep meditation and shamanic journeying to aid in the release of negative energy and blocks in the heart space. Criollo bean chocolate is also one of mother earth’s most potent superfoods, and a natural mood enhancer that also increases mental clarity and focus. Incorporating this healthy brew into your daily practice with intention can be deeply impactful, allowing us to step deeper into our truth and heart-centered living.
Heart Opening Plant Medicine
Cacao has many incredible, life-affirming qualities that support our emotional, spiritual and physical health and well-being. Cacao can help us release unnecessary emotional blockages, find forgiveness in ourselves and in others, and leads us forward —particularly if we are stuck in a rut or fearful of making important life changes. It also enables us to access thoughts and emotions buried deep in our unconscious.
Aids in Our Physical Health
Much like a daily vitamin, Cacao is packed with nutrients— potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, and magnesium— all of which contribute to our overall health. Raw Cacao also contains a host of antioxidants and increases the blood flow to the brain, creating more mental vibrancy, heightened awareness, and increased focus. Cacao is also thought of as a natural mood enhancer, as it may trigger the release of dopamine and the endorphin; phenylethylamine in our brains, which boosts the feel-good compounds in our bodies and helps to relieve emotional stress.
Contains The Bliss Molecule
Finally, it is important to know that cacao contains anandamide, often referred to as the “bliss” molecule, a natural pleasure molecule that fits into the cannabinoid receptor sites of the cells of the nervous system.
Biohacking Friendly & Nootropic
Wholesome, healthy and stimulating – Cacao is also a natural Nootropic.
Care to learn about using it for biohacking? Let our friends at Keith’s Cacao explain.

Average Cacao Pod Weight (in Pounds)
Average Cacao Pod Weight (in Grams)
As one of nature’s more complex “Super Foods,” cacao can be taken regularly, in
- Raw, ceremonial grade Cacao is natural, non-GMO, and not cut with artificial ingredients.
Cacao may increase blood flow to the brain, creating higher levels of mental agility, awareness, and focus
Cacao contains potassium, phosphorous, copper, zinc, iron, and magnesium, which contribute to cardiovascular health
Cacao contains Anandamide or the “Bliss Molecule.” Anandamide is an endocrine liquid that your body produces when you feel a workout “high.” It is a natural pleasure molecule located in the cells of the nervous system.
Cacao contains theobromine, which translates into “food of the gods” — similar to caffeine in terms of energetic impact but with a gentler effect on the central nervous system. Theobromine increases energy without the anxious “buzz” one gets from ingesting caffeine (it is a great alternative for those of you trying to cut back on your coffee intake!)
Cacao is a natural mood lifter; cacao can help with easing depression and releasing negativity
Cacao can act as an aphrodisiac

Pure Cacao is one of nature’s “Super Foods” and when taken in ceremony or as part of your daily diet, the benefits can be far-reaching and may include:
ANTIOXIDANT: Cacao, in its purest form, rates #1 on the USDA antioxidant food scale at 55’653 ORAC ahead of blueberries, goji berries, and pomegranates. It also contains the highest amount of naturally occurring magnesium
BRAIN POWER: Cacao increases blood flow to the brain by 10-15%, creating higher levels of mental agility, and improving awareness and focus
HEALTH: Cacao contains potassium, phosphorous, copper, chromium, zinc, iron, and high levels of magnesium which contribute to cardiovascular health
BLISS: Cacao contains Anandamide or the “Bliss Molecule.” Anandamide is an endocrine liquid that your body produces when you feel a workout “high”. It is a natural pleasure molecule located in the cells of the nervous system
FOOD OF THE GODS: Cacao contains the alkaloid theobromine, which translates literally into “food of the gods” – similar to caffeine in terms of energetic impact but impacting the cardiovascular system rather than the nervous system. Theobromine increases energy and focus without the anxious “buzz” one gets from ingesting caffeine. Cacao is a fabulous alternative to caffeine!
MOOD ENHANCER: Cacao is a natural mood enhancer releasing serotonin and dopamine which can help with easing depression and releasing negativity
APHRODISIAC: Cacao is an aphrodisiac as it releases our “love” molecule PEA
MINERALS: Raw cacao has more than 300 phytochemicals and nearly four times the antioxidant power of regular dark chocolate and contains protein, calcium, carotene, thiamin, riboflavin, magnesium, and sulfur

History of Cacao
The Aztecs were very fond of Cacao and saw it as offering deep symbolic meaning as one of the foundations of the universe, demonstrated in various maps and illustrations unearthed from this period in time. Chocolate was also used as a metaphor in the language spoken by the Aztec elites – poets and philosophers – to define ‘heart’ and ‘blood.’ In one creation story, the Aztec God Quetzalcoatl discovered cacao (bitter water) in a mountain filled with edible plants. Cacao was deemed as a very sacred item meant primarily for nobility and kept from the common people. In fact, Cacao was once only consumed by men as it was thought to be toxic to women and children. Cacao was often associated with nobility in ancient times. As such, “Commoners” often only had access to cacao on special occasions – weddings and festivals.
Ancient Mesoamericans consumed cacao as a cold, unsweetened liquid beverage, and many ancient drinking and burial vessels depict the use of cacao. Burial vessels often contained cacao residue. Cacao was also once the currency of the past, perhaps the bitcoin of ancient times, with cacao nibs used as a unit of currency. Cacao pods could be used to pay taxes and salaries, barter, or given as a tribute to overlords.