Join Candace Blair of Soul Fire Social
Jessica Golden of Sovereign Essence
& Tanya Colucci of Sacred Soul Guidance

For meditation, setting a personal intention & collective intention, receiving a crystal bowl sound healing, and harmonium prayer chant.


What is the Lion’s Gate:
The Lion’s Gate portal opens every year and is a powerful time when the sun is in Leo, and the Galactic body’s brightest star in our sky, Sirius, rises on the eastern horizon and aligns with Orion’s Belt. On earth, the alignment happens exactly in the location of the pyramids of Giza in Egypt. There is also the numerical significance of the number eight and it is 8/8. The number eight represents completion, perfection, and completeness. This is a super potent moment for spiritual growth! This creates a powerful portal of energy, which is potent for manifesting.

For many, it represents a portal that connects us to our inner self, spirit guides, ancestors, and the divine and spiritual realms. In addition to the spiritual benefits, there are practical applications for the Lion’s Gate such as increasing productivity, creative energy, abundance, and healing.

There is a massive energy portal that opens up, a vortex from the star system Sirius. It is a kind of cosmic/celestial convergence that allows a huge wave of light from the galactic center to come down to us on earth. The galactic center is considered a highly charged energy point & the middle point of our solar system, and the spiritual heart of our universe. The Great Central Sun!

When this portal opens up, it will offer a great surge of energy. The Great Central Sun will be extra energized and powerful and radiate super light waves and high energy codes to raise our love and light vibrations.

Together, we rise!

Candace, Tanya & Jessica